Children's Books

The Three Betty Goats Griff

The three dancing Bettys each meet, greet and help the troll in some way and get rewarded by safe passage to the grassy knoll with sweet clover. This book portrays kindness, problem solving and what a touch of personal hygiene can accomplish.

Resourceful Erica

It is raining outside, but Erica wants to go out. Without a raincoat or rain cap, even going against her mothers earlier request, she goes out with a hat made out of folded newspaper. Her adventurous day begins as she steps out of the house and meets challenges that brings out her resourcefulness and courage. This picture book combines the story with paper-folding directions so that readers can memorize the story, and tell it using paper folding.

Ponderosa Pines

EVACUATE! This was 4 PM Tuesday and a roaring area of flames spurred down from the hills on three sides of Deadwood, a town of 3,500. The Deadwood Fire of 1959 remains to this day the most destructive fire to private property, homes and infrastructure ever recorded in South Dakota.


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